Collectivism (in all of its sub-variations) is a socio-political ideology which asserts that:
- People do not own their life.
- People do not own their body.
- People do not own the fruits of their labors.
- Individuality is evil.
- People must subordinate their existence to the collective.
- People must live only for the sake of other people.
- People may attain happiness only by making other people happy.
The collectivist sub-variants (communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, totalitarianism) exist on the
collectivist foundations. Any distinctions between them are subtle, and, are not worthy of consideration.
Collectivism is state created, sponsored, and controlled through coercion.
Capitalism is citizen created, sponsored, and controlled through consent.
Collectivism is a powerful siren song which wields tremendous influence over the small minded, weak
minded, insecure person, which spans all socio-economic strata, including PhDs. In fact, government
paid academics are the most susceptible to the collectivist siren song, of anyone.
Throughout all of modern human history, collectivism has been an abject failure.
It has never worked. It has always failed.
It has a 100% failure rate. It has a 0% success rate.
Collectivism’s three singular accomplishments, in the twentieth century, were:
- The murder of over 150 million people
- The enslavement of over 500 million people.
- Economic deprivation, hardship, and suffering on a scale that has never been witnessed in all of modern human history,
all in the name of their brothers' and sisters' happiness.
American collectivism's pedantic adherents reply to this historical reality with the rejoinder that no one
has ever implemented collectivism properly, and, that they are supremely qualified to deploy a collectivist
utopia, this time around.
They are wrong.
Their predecessors did it perfectly.
Karl Marx, the father of modern collectivism, asserted that violence and death are the collectivist's
legitimate and necessary primary tools for accomplishing their socio-political objectives.
Sidebar: Karl Marx kept a female slave from the time she was 8 years old, eventually using her not
only as a servant but as his mistress, never acknowledging his child with her or paying her at all. She
waited on him, hand and foot, while he explained to the world that profit is the stolen surplus value of the
laborer. Like so many liberal icons, Marx seldom bathed and left his wife and children in poverty.
This is consistent with his asserted collectivist ideology:
"The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions."
To wit: Ignore your children's needs. Let them rot.
So did Friedrich Engels.
"We openly declare that our ends can be attained only by the
forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
So did Vladimir Lenin.
"The goal of socialism is communism."
"Peace simply means communist world control."
"One man with a gun can control 100 without one."
So did Joseph Stalin.
"Death is the solution to all problems. No man. No problem."
So did Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria.
"Show me the man, and, I'll show you the crime."
So did Adolph Hitler.
"The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and
regular employment of violence."
So did Benito Mussolini.
"I do not believe in perpetual peace."
"All is in the state, and, nothing human exists
or has value outside the state."
So did Mao Zedong.
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
So did Fidel Castro.
"Socialism or death."
So did Che Guevara.
"To execute a man we don't need proof of his guilt.
We only need proof that it's necessary to execute him.
It's that simple."
So did Nicolae Ceausescu.
"The fetus is the property of the entire society."
So did Pol Pot.
"Better to kill an innocent by mistake than spare an enemy
by mistake."
So did Saul Alinsky.
"When we have the guns, then, it [peace and reformation] will be
through the bullet."
So does the Democrat Party. (2012 DNC Convention)
"The government is the only thing we all belong to."
Alinksy, the political father of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, asserted that, after the modern revolution in America,
many Americans would refuse to conform to the new collectivist socio-political structure. As such, the government would relocate these
people to educational retraining camps in an isolated part of our country. The government would execute those who refused to
be reeducated. Alinsky asserted that the government would execute approximately 25,000,000 Americans who refused to be
reeducated. He made this assertion in 1959. Adjusting for our current population, this number has grown to 50,000,000 Americans who they would execute, today.
This is the essence of collectivist utopia. Execute those who you disagree with or dislike.
(You don't want to be a part of our group? Good. We will kill you.)
"By destroying every form of human relationship and any basic and normal sense of common humanity and decency,
the collectivists hoped to eliminate all forms of human association so as to be able to, then, remold people and
society into their vision of a 'new world.'
In their eyes, it was all okay. After all, they did it from love."
(Paraphrased, without permission.)
This is the reason that collectivism is not compatible with human rational self-interest.
Collectivist adherents and followers accept the persistent false attacks on, and the misrepresentations of, Capitalism. They
embrace the persistent misrepresentation of collectivism and its base incompatibility with human beings’ rational self-interest.